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Electronic Components - IC's
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Unique Micro Design - Electronic Components - IC's

Electronic Components - IC's

Products listed are for reference only and are provided to aid in the identification of spare parts. Not all components are stocked and pricing is subject to confirmation. Sales will confirm both pricing and availability on request.
Ordering Information and Pricing
Part Number Model Number Description RRP
[A] LOGIC - 74HC Series
1-3010-000-1 IC, 74HC00 DIP $0.66 C
1-3010-003-5 IC, 74HC03 DIP $0.55 C
1-3010-005-1 IC, 74HC05 DIP $0.44 C
1-3010-008-5 IC, 74HC08 DIP $0.33 C
1-3010-010-8 IC, 74HC10 DIP $0.44 C
1-3010-014-0 IC, 74HC14 DIP $0.33 C
1-3010-074-2 IC, 74HC74 DIP $0.44 C
1-3010-125-1 IC, 74HC125 DIP $0.33 C
1-3010-132-4 IC, 74HC132 DIP $0.44 C
1-3010-138-2 IC, 74HC138 DIP $0.44 C
1-3010-139-0 IC, 74HC139 DIP $0.88 C
1-3010-154-4 IC, 7HC154 DIP $0.44 C
1-3010-164-1 IC, 74HC164 DIP $0.66 C
1-3010-174-8 IC, 74HC174 DIP $0.55 C
1-3010-175-6 IC, 74HC175 DIP $0.55 C
1-3010-237-0 IC, 74HC237 DIP $1.10 C
1-3010-244-3 IC, 74HC244 DIP $0.77 C
1-3010-245-1 IC, 74HC245 DIP $0.77 C
1-3010-257-4 IC, 74HC257 DIP $0.77 C
1-3010-367-7 IC, 74HC367 DIP $1.87 C
1-3010-373-2 IC, 74HC373 DIP $0.66 C
1-3010-541-7 IC, 74HC541 DIP $1.32 C
1-3010-573-4 IC, 74HC573 DIP $0.66 C
1-3010-574-2 IC, 74HC574 DIP $2.53 C
1-3014-066-1 IC, 74HC4066 DIP $0.66 C
1-3014-066-1 IC, 74HC4066 DIP $0.66 C
[B] LOGIC - 74LS Series
1-3020-006-3 IC, 74LS06 DIP $1.10 C
1-3020-073-8 IC, 74LS73 DIP $1.76 C
1-3020-373-6 IC, 74LS373 DIP $2.53 C
1-3029-006-8 IC, 7406 DIP $3.19 C
1-3030-067-4 IC MC14067BCP .6 D $2.86 C
1-3070-020-9 IC, HBCR-2210#A01 $13.20 C
[C] CPU - PC
1-3090-020-1 IC, 5x86 CPU $151.80 C
1-3090-030-0 IC, CPU MMX-233 $154.00 C
[D] CPU - uP
1-3100-010-7 IC, HD63A03RP CPU 4 $88.00 C
1-3100-011-5 IC, HD6303RP CPU 40 $88.00 C
1-3100-020-4 IC, HD63A03YCP CPU $88.00 C
1-3100-021-2 IC, HD63B03YCP PLCC $88.00 C
1-3100-100-6 IC, H8/520 HD647520 $66.00 C
1-3100-100-6 IC, H8/520 HD647520 $66.00 C
1-3100-110-3 IC uP H8/3044 FP-10 $35.20 C
1-3100-111-2 IC uP H8/3002 FP-10 $33.00 C
1-3100-200-3 IC uP 89C2051 2K Fl $9.24 C
1-3100-300-0 IC uP ATtiny11L-2PC $5.28 C
1-3100-301-7 IC uP AT90S1200-12P $7.15 C
1-3100-302-4 IC uP AT90S2313-4PC $7.15 C
1-3100-303-1 IC uP ATTiny12L-8SC $4.84 C
1-3100-304-8 IC uP ATTiny15L-1PC $7.15 C
[E] Peripheral Interfaces
1-3110-010-1 IC, 63A21 CMOS PIA $8.03 C
1-3110-020-8 IC, 82C55 PIO 5MHz $13.09 C
1-3110-110-7 IC, XR88C68CP/40 2x $7.92 C
1-3110-120-1 IC, 16C450 COMOS UA $8.80 C
[F] Line Drivers
1-3130-010-9 UCN5801A IC, Line Driver, DIP22 $5.28 C
1-3130-010-9 UCN5801A IC, Line Driver, DIP22 $5.28 C
1-3130-020-6 IC, MAX232N RS232 I $3.19 C
1-3130-020-6 IC, MAX232N RS232 I $3.19 C
1-3130-030-3 IC, MC145406 RS232 $2.86 C
1-3130-040-0 IC, UDN2981A Trans $2.64 C
1-3130-060-4 IC, LTC491CN Diff D R2585 Dual TxRx $9.90 C
1-3130-080-3 ADM208EAN IC, Line Driver, RS232 DIP24 $8.03 C
[G] Memory - EPROM
1-3150-020-4 IC, 27C64 EPROM 150 $6.16 C
1-3150-030-1 IC, 27C128 EPROM 20 $6.60 C
1-3150-040-8 IC 27C256 EPROM 100 $8.80 C
1-3150-040-8 IC 27C256 EPROM 100 $8.80 C
[H] Memory - EEPROM
1-3160-010-1 IC, 28C16 EEPROM 20 $8.91 C
1-3160-020-3 IC, 28C64 EEPROM 20 $10.78 C
1-3160-030-5 IC, 28C256 EEPROM 2 $15.07 C
1-3161-010-6 IC, 93C46P EEPROM $22.00 C
1-3161-011-6 IC 93C46 EEPROM Ser $1.32 C
1-3162-010-8 IC 24LC16 EEPROM Se $1.76 C
1-3162-020-7 IC 24LC64 EEPROM Se $2.86 C
1-3165-010-5 IC 29C010 Flash Mem $13.53 C
[I] Memory - SRAM
1-3170-010-5 IC, 6264 CMOS SRAM $6.49 C
1-3170-020-2 IC 32K CMOS SRAM DI $4.62 C
1-3171-010-6 IC Static RAM 32Kx8 $4.07 C
1-3171-020-5 IC Static RAM 128Kx $9.46 C
1-3172-020-4 IC DS1244Y 256K SRA $89.76 C
[J] Memory - PC - 72 Pin
1-3180-050-7 RAM 72P 4M 4 MByte SIMM (total 8MB RAM) $48.40 C
1-3180-060-5 RAM 72P 8M 8 MByte SIMM (total 12MB RAM) $48.40 C
1-3180-070-8 RAM 72P 16M 16 MByte SIMM (total 20MB RAM) $74.80 C
1-3180-080-7 RAM 72P 32M 32 MByte SIMM (total 36MB RAM) $253.00 C
[K] Memory - PC - EDO
1-3180-200-9 RAM EDO 8M 8 MByte EDO $44.00 C
1-3180-210-8 RAM EDO 16M 16 MByte EDO $63.80 C
1-3180-220-7 RAM EDO 32M 32 MByte EDO $253.00 C
1-3180-230-6 RAM EDO 64M 64 MByte EDO $0.00 C
[L] Memory - PC - DIMM
1-3180-300-6 RAM DIMM 32M/0 32MB DIMM RAM $215.60 C
1-3180-310-5 RAM DIMM 64M/0 64MB DIMM RAM $385.00 C
1-3180-320-4 RAM DIMM 128M/0 128MB DIMM RAM $770.00 C
[M] Op-Amps
1-3190-010-3 IC, LM358N OpAmp Dual $1.87 C
[N] Opto Couplers
1-3210-010-4 IC, 4N35 Opto-Coup $0.88 C
1-3210-020-1 IC, MCT5200 Opto-Co $4.95 C
1-3210-030-8 IC, MCT5211 Opto-Co $3.52 C
[O] Comparitors
1-3220-010-8 IC, LT1017 Compatat $1.98 C
1-3220-020-5 IC, LM392 Comparato $8.80 C
1-3220-021-3 IC, LM393N Comparat $1.87 C
1-3220-030-2 IC, DS1233 5VEcono $3.30 C
1-3221-010-0 IC 5V Econoreset w $1.65 C
[P] Regulators
1-3230-010-2 IC, 7805 Regulator $0.55 C
1-3230-011-0 IC, LM2940C-5 Reg L $3.08 C
1-3230-012-8 IC, CS8126-2TH5 +5v $5.61 C
1-3230-013-6 IC, 7805 Reg 5V 100 $0.66 C
1-3230-020-8 IC, 7812 Regulator $0.55 C
1-3230-050-0 IC, 78SR105HC Switc $66.00 C
1-3230-051-1 IC, 78ST105HC Switc $66.00 C
1-3230-060-7 IC, L4947 $4.84 C
1-3231-020-4 IC, 7912 Regulator $0.55 C
[Q] Regulators - Switching
1-3232-010-2 LT1172 IC, LT1172 Switchin $9.79 C
1-3232-011-3 MC3046A IC MC34063A switchi $2.09 C
1-3232-020-9 MAX658 IC, MAX658 $19.47 C
1-3232-030-6 ICL7660CPA IC, ICL7660CPA VOLT $4.95 C
1-3232-040-3 NME0505D IC, NME0505D DC-DC $9.68 C
1-3232-050-0 MC3172BN IC, MC3172BN Switch $13.20 C
1-3232-060-1 LT1302-CN8 IC LT1302-CN8 Sw Re $15.84 C
1-3232-060-1 LT1302-CN8 IC LT1302-CN8 Sw Re $15.84 C
1-3232-070-0 MAX713-CPE IC MAX713-CPE Bat C $14.96 C
[R] Video
1-3250-010-0 IC, HD6445P4 Video $29.92 C
1-3251-010-5 IC, Bt121KP 50/80 T $41.80 C
[S] Programmable Devices
1-3260-010-4 IC, GAL16V8 25ns Q/ $2.86 C
1-3260-020-1 IC, GAL20V8A 25ns Q $8.36 C
1-3260-030-8 IC, GAL22V10 25ns Q $8.36 C
1-3260-030-8 IC, GAL22V10 25ns Q $8.36 C
1-3260-040-5 IC, MACH 231-20 GAL $0.00 C
1-3261-010-8 IC CPLD XCR 5032C-1 $9.68 C
1-3270-010-6 IC FT8U232AM QFP 32 $18.70 C